Thursday, January 26, 2012

School Counseling agenda assosication and Implementation


Counseling programs are a vital component to any school. They provide students with resources, support, and nurturance throughout the whole period of their elementary and secondary school years. Elementary school years are a time when children are growing socially, exterior of the home. In the first few years of school they learn group skills that help them to interact with other students and adults. Counseling activities should focus on the healthy socialization of all students. Counselors at this level should offer group counseling, individual counseling, classroom guidance, media presentations showing confident interactions, and "no put-downs" type of curriculum that promotes kind group exchanges. The secondary school years bring rapid changes, physically and environmentally, to students. Adolescents are growing and changing, turning away from authority, and developing their own sense of self. effective counseling activities must focus on human relations development such as: vocation training or instruction programs, college preparatory programs, group and individual guidance, sensitivity training, and classroom guidance (Gibson, 2003, pp. 5-51).

Invention Of The Vacuum

Counseling activities subject well beyond assistance with discrete vocation choices or personal counseling into the realm of human possible where physical, emotional, educational, and other aspects of the individual are considered. These cut off parts are often difficult to distinguish, as individuals possess talents, needs, and desires that are enmeshed with one another. There are
dardized tests, learner assessment, consultations, vocation facts and guidance, educational guidance and placement, arresting services, intervention activities, menagerial duties, developmental tasks, facts dissemination, and group relations. School counselors can engage in many dissimilar activities in a one-hour time period. The period of work is well defined to the primary school calendar.

School Counseling agenda assosication and Implementation

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Elementary school counselors have recently become a staple in most states. They are the most recent increasing to school staffs. However, Secondary counselors have been employed in schools for the longest time, as their role in helping students in transition in the middle of school, college, and work, has been certainly identifiable. Secondary counselors provide educational facts like scheduling and college placement, individual counseling, menagerial services, arresting activities, group counseling and guidance, developmental activities, facts sessions, standardized testing and interpretation, and consultation activities. In addition, secondary and elementary counselors are often involved in non-counseling activities (lunchroom duty, etc.). Remediation is a focus for counselors like addiction counseling, sexual concerns, and connection adjustments. preparing students becomes less important as production decisions since there are immediate or impending choices to be made. Consultation and an insight of the student's environment shape behavioral modifications. Both elementary and secondary counselors are proactive in their advent to their counseling population.


All students should have entrance to guidance and counseling services, suitable to their developmental stages. The agenda will be based on the tenet that learning is a lifelong process and therefore, counseling services should be a part of an wide continuum that contributes to the continued growth, learning, and development of each student. The guidance agenda must encompass the whole school society and shall be developed and implemented by the counseling staff and school administrators. All students have the freedom and responsibility for production choices within the constraints of the educational system, and will have entrance to the counseling staff to support them with production those choices (DoDds-E, 1994, p. 7).


At the elementary level, this agenda will promote learning by helping children to expert the skills and make the attitudes primary to be successful. There will be an emphasis on decision production skills, developing awareness, and foundational vocation exploration. The agenda will stress the self conception development and skill enhancement primary for each student.
The middle school agenda will focus on the ever changing needs of young adolescents. It will emphasize continuation of skills learned in the primary grades but will alter the agenda to fit the needs of these students. It will address high school planning, catalogue for learner educational and occupational plans, and address any group factors that may limit potential.
The high school agenda will support students in becoming responsible adults who can make realistic and promising life plans based on clear insight of themselves and their needs, abilities, interests, and skills. concentration will focus on helping students to make competencies in decision making, vocation planning, working with others, and taking responsibility for one's own behavior.

In order to reach the goals set for each level of the program, the counseling agenda must be seen as an integral part of each school's total educational program. The agenda will be organized and implemented by the school counselors with the reserve of faculty, staff, parents, and the society (Gibson, pp. 2-5). It will be proactive in addressing the needs, goals, and concerns of all students by along with the following components:

Analysis and counseling of individual students

Student placement services for special programs (gifted and talented, special education, etc.)

Follow-up services post special agenda placement

Information and reserved supply services (guidance activities connected to vocational choices, group instruction on topics of interest, educational planning, etc.)

Research and estimation of academic policies and procedures

Test management services

Group counseling services

Parent and Faculty reserve services

Administrative services to support with primary school functions.

This agenda will seek to serve youth populations and support with developmental adjustment.
It is the mission of this document to make a wide competency based guidance agenda that can be implemented school-wide. In production provisions for this program, all students will have the opportunities and guidance primary to make skills for:

Accessing and processing information

Dealing with change

Thinking, thinking and problem solving

Developing creativity

Demonstrating confident human relationships

Practicing learning as a lifelong process

The agenda will benefit students, parents, teachers, administrators and counseling staff by promoting educational development, increasing knowledge of self and others, increasing interaction, providing support, increasing opportunities, providing structure, and clearly defining responsibilities that must be carried out to accomplish school-wide goals (Gibson, p. 1).

The counseling agenda will be structured systematically and should include the following goals:

Students have applied knowledge of self and others

Students have developed competencies in life and vocation planning

Students have achieved educational success

In increasing to the above, every year goals should be established to monitor the effectiveness of the program. The following should be considered:

Educational- Have students developed study skills, and awareness of opportunities, engaged in lifelong learning, shown suitable test scores?

Career- Do students have knowledge of vocation opportunities, vocational requirements, and need for confident work habits?

Personal- Have students developed healthy self-concepts, suitable group behaviors, and effective transportation skills?
Lastly, the counseling staff should evaluate all of the following areas of services to ensure that they are meeting the diverse tasks that may be required:

Academic concerns


Absences or truancy


Drop out prevention

Relationship concerns

All types of abuse

Grief, loss, and death

Substance abuse

Family issues

Sexuality issues

Coping issues

Crisis intervention (Gibson, pp. 9-11).


The wide competency based guidance agenda includes sequential activities organized and implemented by certified school counseling in collaboration with teachers, administrators, students, and parents. The agenda will provide a fill array of guidance and counseling services and activities through these components:

1. Guidance curriculum

2. Individual students planning

3. Responsive services

4. System support

Students will be assisted in acquiring competencies in vocation planning and exploration, knowledge of self and others, educational development, and vocation development (Gibson, p. 6).

There will be one consultant allotted for every 250 students enrolled in a given school. These counselors will be hired from a pool of eligible applicants who have completed a graduate agenda in school counseling with no less than 30 semester credit hours of graduate level study. The courses should have covered the following topics:

Human growth and development

Counseling theories

Counseling techniques

Professional orientation

Career guidance


Educational research

Multicultural issues in counseling

Tests and measurements

In increasing to the above areas of study, eligible counselors will have also completed an internship in an educational setting consisting of no less than 300 hours. They also must be state certified in guidance and counseling.

The school counseling agenda allocation should be included in the every year school allocation planning process. It should be established per annum to ensure that the agenda is developed, implemented, and managed effectively. Funds should be in case,granted to cover the following:

Equipment and materials

Staff salaries

Continuing instruction and expert development

Community resources

Career guidance materials

Computerized resources

Testing materials


The above list of resources should be considered a requirement for the allowable functioning of the competency based guidance agenda (p. 9).
Evaluation of Effectiveness

In order to evaluate the counseling program, it is vital to make standards and indicators based on the agenda organizational framework, to ensure the effectiveness of the program. It is also primary to make and used suitable forms to supervise and evaluate school counselors based on their qualifications and job descriptions. management should encourage expert growth of counseling staff and assess learner mastery of guidance competencies. The school management must evaluate the impact of the agenda on the school atmosphere and how well it reaches established goals. This can be done through personal evaluation, independent observation, and by surveying agenda users as to their use of and pleasure with the agenda (p. 31). The following criteria can support in additional estimation of effectiveness:

Is there evidence that all students are given the chance to gain awareness, knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes that lead to a socially responsible and adequate life? Is there proof that students have acquired frequent facts to help them make informed choices?

Is there evidence that all students have entrance to guidance in overcoming problems that are impeding their personal, social, education, or vocation development?

Is there proof that a team of educators provides counseling services to students within the school environment?

Is there evidence of the implementation of the agenda that reflects the wise use of resources agreeing to the needs of the students?

Is there evidence that staff members are in roles that meet their expert qualifications and competence?

Is there evidence that the agenda is an integral part of the wide educational program?

Is there evidence that the counseling agenda is reviewed and renewed annually? (Gibson, pp. 31-39).

Integration of the Counseling agenda into School Functions

Integration of the counseling agenda into the wide educational agenda will need a society effort. There is a gawk form at the end of this document that can be used in the implementation of the counseling program. It should be given to teachers, parents, administrators or anyone else who would like to provide feedback on their expectations of the counseling program. It is important to remember that counselors do not work in a vacuum. They are constantly interacting with students come from varying cultural and environmental backgrounds, which impact their development, interpersonal skills, and behavior. Because the consultant is implicated with holistic wellness for each student, they must be sensitive to the differing needs of the students they serve.

Each consultant develops a personal style based on educational training, personal preference, values, attitudes, experiences, and cultural influence. Since no two counseling settings are the same, counselors must have extremely developed adaptive abilities to succeed. expert training programs and organizations, licensure boards, limitations, and accreditation standards all shape the counselor's role. Personal factors that work on counseling include personal likes and dislikes, rewards and encouragement for accomplishing tasks, and the perception the consultant has to the suitable role and function for a specific setting (Gibson, 2003, pp. 204-226). In as much as each consultant will lead unique characteristics in each school, there must be some uniformity in the implementation of the program. Each agenda should be implemented by:

Considering each individual as a unique being whose uniqueness is to be valued.

Recognizing that variations exist within each individual. Counseling should be geared toward identifying special skills, talents, and interests while avoiding over-generalizations about abilities. Strengths should be highlighted while shortcomings are recognized, overcome, or bypassed.

In order for counseling to be meaningful, a man must be directly involved. Input, feedback, clarification, and interpretation are all included in this participation.

Accurate human counseling is little by instruments and personnel. There are shortcomings unique to each technique or instrument so it must be assumed that estimation only provides clues or samples, not absolutes.

Counselors must accept the confident and possible of each person.

The counseling agenda follows established expert guidelines, which define ethics, standards, and protection for client and counselor.

Accountability refers to the provision of objective evidence to prove that counselors are successfully responding to needs that have been identified. responsibility evidence can be obtained from written documents, records, reports, tables, and computations. Counselors are responsible for the management, development, and leadership of any agenda they are involved in. In addition, counselors are responsible for continued improve and improvement. Therefore, continuous and literal, estimation of needs of the target habitancy becomes key to thriving planning for goals and objectives. This estimation is primary in establishing and maintaining agenda relevance and fostering accountability. responsibility can have confident and reaching impact on the furtherance of the counseling profession through:

Meeting the specified needs of the target population

Finding needed areas of specialization

Demonstrating the effectiveness of human assistance organizations

Showing cost effectiveness of counseling programs

Providing programs that retort to client needs with proven results in an effective manner

It must be geared not toward individuals, but toward whole populations.

The make of the agenda must emphasize the unique nature of the habitancy and environment.

An estimation of influencing military over the lives of the target habitancy must be performed to maximum effectiveness.

Organizational reserve for the counseling agenda must by strong, indicating a willingness to corollary through with goals.

It must be based on some systematic advent for identifying the needs of the learner populations.

Counselors engaged in arresting programs must be able to report and work with parents so that a condition connection with children can be fostered from infancy.

In increasing to the above list, the agenda will include:

Assistance in developing coping skills

Development of self-esteem and values

Building of reserve systems

Parental involvement for children engaged in arresting activities.

Peer mentoring

Environmental assessment

Instruction in life skills

Commitment to the time required for the agenda to be successful

Evaluative processes designed to ensure effectiveness of the agenda (pp. 297-309).

Finally, the school agenda should be structured in such a way as to provide ample opportunities for students to seek counseling services. This may involve the adoption of a block agenda where there is a seminar period offered, or it may plainly need teachers and management to be sensitive to the needs of their students so that they can find a favorable time during the policy of the day to permit their students entrance to the counseling staff.

This catalogue should also be given at the starting of each year to assess specific needs and goals for the implementation of the program.

Person filling out the form: (please circle one) learner parent educator administrator
Please circle your response to each item below. Use the numbers to indicate the significance of each question:
1= not important 2= important 3= very important 4= extremely important 5= vital

1) How important is it that students
have entrance to vocation guidance 1 2 3 4 5
information and materials?

2) How important is it that students
have entrance to a consultant so they 1 2 3 4 5
can discuss personal problems?

3) How important is it that students
have entrance to facts about 1 2 3 4 5
colleges, vocational programs,
military service, and other post-
graduation options?

4) How important is it that the
counselor be involved in over- 1 2 3 4 5
seeing academic standardized
test programs?

5) How important is it that the
counselor apply tests to identify 1 2 3 4 5
career options and talents for each

6) How important is it for the
counselor to emphasize the 1 2 3 4 5
relationship in the middle of education
and careers?

7) How important is it that the
counselor provide job placement 1 2 3 4 5
assistance and referrals to students?

8) How important is it that the
counselor be involved in policy 1 2 3 4 5
selection and planning?

9) How important is it that the
counselor support students who 1 2 3 4 5
are dropping out or failing?

10) How important is individual
Counseling for students? 1 2 3 4 5

11) How important is it that
the consultant provide group 1 2 3 4 5
counseling opportunities?

12) Please list any other services
that you think the consultant
should provide in the remaining


Berger, K.S. (1998). The developing man through the life span (4th ed.). New York: Worth.

Brown, D. (2003). vocation information, vocation counseling, and vocation development (8th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Corey, G. (1996). Case advent to counseling and psychotherapy (4th ed.). Pacific Grove, Ca: Brooks/Cole.

Corey, G. (2004). system and custom of group counseling (6th ed.). Pacific Grove, Ca: Brooks/Cole.

Corey, G. (2003). system and custom of counseling & psychotherapy (7th ed.). Pacific Grove, Ca: Brooks/Cole.

Department of Defense Dependent Schools Europe (DoDds-E). (1994).Comprehensive competency based guidance agenda by hand K-12. DoDds.

Fraenkel, J. R., & Wallen, N. E. (2003). How to make and evaluate research in instruction (5th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Gibson, R. L. (2003). Introduction to counseling and guidance (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Nj. Merrill Prentice Hall

Kalat, J.W. (1993). Introduction to psychology (3rd ed.). Pacific Grove: Brooks & Cole.

Kirk, S. A., Gallagher, J. A., & Anastasiow, N. J. (2003). Educating exceptional children (10th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Milne, A. (2003). Counseling. London: Hodder Headline Ltd.

Slavin, R. E. (2003). Educational psychology: system and practice. (7th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Thompson, C. L., Rudolph, L. B., & Henderson, D. (2004). Counseling Children (6th ed.). Belmont, Ca: Thompson Brooks/Cole.

School Counseling agenda assosication and ImplementationEarth Magnetic Field Generated by Temperature Difference Gradient Fusion Tube. Duration : 0.42 Mins.

Epistemology / Research - By: (Me) Nicholas Ellis @ The famous Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 showed no movement of the Earth through the Aether. So what did the "scientists" do?....They simply got rid of the Aether and stated that it did not exist and that was the reason for the NULL results in the experiment!!! :/ This is where "Dark Matter/Dark Energy/FRAME DRAGGING FABRICS" Got Invented and the Sacred Sciences got thrown out the window :( . This necessitated the invention of Albert Einstein and his BIZARRE theories of the universe without an Aether. One must keep in mind that Einstein was involved with aether theories of the time (one of his first papers was titled, "The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields"),He had access to patents and documentation as he worked as a library clerk at the Swiss patent office since 1902 and undoubtly gave more than a good look at them, before the Relativistic theory popped up for the second time (the original being the theory of Boscovich). (Here's Albert Einstein's First Paper titled "The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields") "According to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an aether. According to the general theory of relativity space without aether is unthinkable." - A.Einstein, Sidelights on Relativity, 1922, page 23. Michael Faraday (1791-1867) "I cannot conceive ...

Tags: Walter, Russell, Viktor, Schauberger, Nikola, Tesla, Prana, QI

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